Privacy Policy

Ekstein Development (“We”) is committed to protecting your privacy. The following privacy policy discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices in connection with this website. When you use this website, you consent to the use of your personal information in the manner specified in this Privacy Policy. This policy may change periodically.

Collection of Personal Information from Site Users; Cookies. We may collect and/or track information knowingly provided by the user in online forms, registration forms, surveys, etc. (including name, address, e-mail and other personal profile data).

We will not collect any personal information from you unless you voluntarily choose to submit or otherwise disclose such information to us, including information submitted or disclosed by mail, telephone, fax, or electronically. We will not sell, trade, or rent your personally identifiable information to third parties. We will only use your information to respond to your request for information.

Use of Personal Data Collected. We may use the personal data it collects for internal purposes, namely, for solving technical problems, calculating overall usage statistics, for internal marketing and promotional purposes, product development, and content improvement. We will not disclose to third parties any individually identifying information, such as names, postal and e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and other personal information which users voluntarily provide to us, except to the extent necessary to comply with applicable laws or legal processes (e.g., subpoenas), or to protect our rights or property. We will cooperate with law enforcement authorities.

Security Measures. Since no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure, We cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to/from us via the website or e-mail. Accordingly, we are not responsible for the security of information transmitted via the internet. We will not be liable for disclosures of your personal information due to errors in transmission or unauthorized acts of third parties. For more private communication, users can contact us by telephone at the telephone numbers provided on the website.

Opt-Out Right. Users may at any time opt out of having their personal information used by us to send promotional correspondence to the user, by contacting us via telephone or postal mail.

Ability to Change Personal Data. Users may modify, correct, change or update personally identifiable information that we have collected by the website or may cause their personal record to be removed from our database by contacting us via postal mail, e-mail, or the telephone number indicated in above.

Collection of Personal Data from Children. We do not knowingly solicit information from children and we do not knowingly market the website or its services to children. No one under the age of 13 should submit any personal information to us and/or the website.

Right to Contact Visitors/Subscribers. We reserve the right to contact users of the website regarding changes to the Terms and Conditions generally, this Privacy Policy specifically, or any other policies or agreements relevant to website users.


This website has been made available for general information purposes only. The information contained on this website should not be interpreted as formal legal advice, nor should the reading of this information imply that a lawyer/client relationship exists. We encourage all who access this site to seek independent counsel for advice regarding their legal concerns and proprietary rights.

We cannot necessarily endorse, sponsor, or otherwise approve of third-party content accessible through this site.